The Write Your Own Story Co’s Mission is:

To encourage women to live the life they dream about.

We want women to block out the societal “should’s” and the inner voices of “Why me?” and “Am I enough?” so they can pick up the pen and write their own stories of their lives.

Write Your Own Story Co values service, sisterhood, connection, and laughter.  So if any of those resonate with you, welcome friend.  I’m so glad you're here.

Hi I’m Betsy! I’m a 20 year marketing strategist, brand builder, entrepreneur, storyteller, mama of 4, and founder of the Write Your Own Story Co. I am currently in a chapter of my life that I never saw coming, but I have found great comfort and power knowing that I get to write the story of my life…and you know what?

It’s turning out better than I ever could have imagined.

 Current dream trips:

  • paddle boarding in Turks and Caicos

  • riding and fly fishing at a Jackson Hole dude ranch (but not catching anything because I talk too much)

  • driving the California coast

Top fears:

  • sharks

  • snakes

  • leaving my curling iron plugged in

Top loves: (besides friends and family)

  • piping hot cup of coffee

  • walks in the woods

  • summer rain

  • manatee spottings

  • shooting hoops

I’m so fortunate to have had an amazing career at some of the biggest ad agencies and corporates in the world for almost 20 years.  I started my career at McCann and ended my corporate life at Deloitte with so many amazing stops in between. I have been freelancing as a Senior Marketing Strategist since my twins were born (hello, 4 kids 4 and under… Shew!), with some of the most interesting brands, businesses, and start-ups ever since. 

In building start-ups, helping companies of all shapes and sizes, and living on the corporate ladder, I've developed systems, models, and best practices to first, define the most important goals and objectives for the business, secondly identify the ideal customer, and last build content that drives those customers to take action to meet those goals. It truly makes my heart sore to help people turn what's on their hearts into a successful business.

I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs.  This grit, passion, and vision have been in my line of sight my entire life. So it's been a true gift for me to combine my decades (ew how did I get this old) of corporate experience with my entrepreneurial heart into my 2 greatest accomplishments besides raising my babies: 

  1. A charity event called Polo For Babies that drew close to 500 people each year in attendance and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Children’s Hospital here in Cincinnati

  2. Elizabeth In Kind, an online paper and gift shop, that was launched during Covid and had back-breaking success (literal bazillions of trips to the post office lol) right out of the gate. 

It's amazing how great things happen when it comes from a place of love and determination and you have a community of people who have your back.

One of my favorite things to do is to tell stories. Stories are rooted in meaning, connection, and understanding and so often are the clues for our future selves. One of my very favorite kinds of stories to tell are Women’s Stories, which I’ve had the honor to do in the past on several platforms and in publications but now I am so excited to move these efforts to the Write Your Own Story Podcast! I think it’s so important for all of us to hear what other women are doing with their lives. Their successes, their struggles, their perseverance, what failure has taught them, how they show up in this world, and what sets their heart on fire. It’s these stories that make us realize we’re not alone, motivate us to look at our own dreams, and to inspire us to keep going and take action.

When I’m not living my best life on zoom calls or running my side hustle, you can find me riding dirt bikes, shooting hoops, riding roller coasters, jumping off the diving board, learning the latest dance move, trying the newest skincare, driving them everywhere, making 1000 meals a day and generally being late for everything, because hello, there are 4 of them!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to call these kiddos mine! I really do try and live each day knowing that they’re watching how I show up for this family and in the world.